Something blue …

And last, but in no way least,  we have the “Something Blue” tag …


The gorgeous rose from A Rose is a Rose is stamped with the new In Colors, Pacific Point and Baja Breeze.   I’ve scalloped the side edges of the tag with my corner rounder punch (I know, I’m slack, I haven’t got the Scallop Edge punch yet!!).  Again, the “Something” came from the Sale-a-bration stamp set “Yummy” … I hope using the same “something” stamp will give all four tags unity.   The word “blue” also came from Wonderful Words again … and the ever-trusty Stampin’ Write marker pens!!  I used my Bashful Blue marker pen for the words.


The leaves were stamped with Kiwi Kiss and Always Artichoke … and I applied my favourite Dazzling Diamonds in the white pockets of the stamped images.  A little knotted bow of the new Pacific Point striped grosgrain ribbon finished off the rose and the top of the tag through a jumbo eyelet.

I hope the bride had a fantastic wedding day … and that she enjoys the tags and finds them a special keepsake for years to come.

Thanks for looking 🙂

One thought on “Something blue …

  1. Man Rachel…you’re making a very good case for a gal to get this set!!! I have seen it in a couple of different ways now and it appeals to me more every time I see it…..aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhh. The bride with be besotted with all that you have done.

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